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Houdini Auto Flipbook Plugin


Updated: Oct 23, 2021

It's common for Houdini artists to wedge many different values for one or several parameters and make flipbook for each value when doing simulation task. So, I wrote this plug-in, with which artists can input as many values as needed and the plug-in will automatically create a flipbook for each value.

To install it, just copy my codes and paste them in the script tab of a new shelf tool.

  • Select Channel

To use it, you first need to copy the parameter of a channel, then, you hit the shelf tool button, and the UI will open. You can add other parameter by copy parameter of other channels and hit “Add” button. If you want to get rid of current parameter, just copy new parameter channel and hit “Refresh” button.

  • Input Value and Create Flipbooks

You can input any type of value, int, float, or expression. You can set your own value separator. If you want to wedge multiple parameter channels, you should use “< >” bracket for you value list, and you can set your own bracket in case you have expression with “<” or “>” inside. Then you can hit the “Create Flipbook” to generate flipbooks.

  • Cache to Disk

If you want to create cache while generating flipbooks, check the “Create File Cache” combo box, and select a node where you want to get the cache file, then hit the “Create Flipbook” to generate flipbooks. The file cache nodes will be separate from the node tree after flipbook finished, the node names are the parameter names plus values, you can change the file path and names, but it’s not recommended.



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